Internship / Job position
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ProtecTHY, University of Helsinki, PhD/Postdoc opportunities

If you are interested in the human thymus, thymic involution, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, please do not hesitate to apply!
We offer an exciting opportunity to develop your career in a young and ambitious team using cutting-edge multi-omics methods with human tissue samples.
We will for example set up and use the IBEX tissue-imaging method to visualize the thymic microanatomy in detail.
We also work closely with virologists, so the project is very much interdisciplinary. Both wetlab and drylab oriented people are welcome to apply.
You do not need to be an immunologist to join our team- please follow the link to see what kind of experience within life sciences would be beneficial, what we offer, and apply for the post-doc positions:
Interested PhD candidates can send their motivation letters and CVs directly to Eliisa, the PI: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Group webpage: