Welcome to the website of yEFIS.
yEFIS Rising Stars 2025
yEFIS is committed to be an inclusive group that challenges all possible forms of oppression including the ones based on gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, physical impairment, mental illness, age, income and others that fall into this scope of action.
As such, our action will be designed to promote, encourage and support an equalitarian atmosphere, in which everyone is welcome.
yEFIS General Assembly 2024

Some of the yEFIS General Assembly Participants 2024
yEFIS is committed to be an inclusive group that challenges all possible forms of oppression including the ones based on gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, physical impairment, mental illness, age, income and others that fall into this scope of action.
As such, our action will be designed to promote, encourage and support an equalitarian atmosphere, in which everyone is welcome.
To promote representation and diversity, yEFIS is creating a Rising Star list of researchers to help committees in the selection of speakers for seminars, symposia and conferences. Please nominate rising stars in your network via this form!
yEFIS General Assembly 2024

Thank you for joining the yEFIS 4th General Assembly but ff you weren't able to attend, you can find the slides here.
We are looking for new members to join our task force, with open positions for coordinators and active members in all of our working groups.
If you are interested in being actively involved in the organisation of yEFIS activities, please fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We're looking forward to working with you to make a difference together!