EFIS Young Immunologists Network

Join the yEFIS Network!

Does any of this sound interesting to you? Then become a member of the yEFIS Network. We are already more than 600 members from all European countries. As a member, you will take advantage of several benefits:
  • being connected with yEFIS members around Europe and sharing information of interest
  • being able to participate actively in the yEFIS Working Groups
  • invitation to yEFIS events, schools and special sessions during international congresses dedicated to European YI
  • access to our job position listing and newsletter

Who can join the yEFIS Network?
  • Early career scientists* working on Immunology regardless age, nationality or position
*Our network defines early career scientists as researchers with less than 10 years of working experience after completion of their last official degree. Working years do not include PhD studies neither parental or sickness leaves.

Do you have any particular interest in participating in yEFIS Working Groups or activities? Would you like to propose any ideas of your own? Please, don't hesitate to contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required. We are a bottom-up network and we encourage any interested young immunologist to participate in the organization of our activities.

Would like to join the Task Force and represent the young immunologists in your country?
 Please, contact the current representative of your national society of immunology or to us at yefis@efis-org. We will give you all the information you need to apply for this position.
You can also participate in the activities that YI Groups organise in your country. Find the representative of your national society in the corresponding section

If you don't want to be part of the yEFIS Network anymore, please do not hesitate in writing us on email hidden; JavaScript is required and we will delete your data from our database.