Communication Working Group
The Communications working group is the voice of the yEFIS. We take care of the social media accounts, stay in contact with our collaborators and keep our community updated.
In general, we help with spreading information to, from and around our network.
Keen to try out your science communication skills? We welcome short content for social media or longer pieces for our upcoming newsletters, journal collaborations and website. Bigger ideas? Get in contact to discuss further!
Group co-leaders: Gizem Kilic, Agnes A. Mooslechner
Other members: Anne Hahn, Ayse Sinem Yildirim.
If you want to join our Communication WG, feel free to text us anytime on email hidden; JavaScript is required. Remember that only members of the yEFIS Network are able to join our WGs.
Happy Women's Day to all Women in Science!!
Proud to have these great scientists as yEFIS members!
Let's celebrate the International Women's Day 2021!